Donnerstag, 19. Mai 2016

There's just too many cars around, isn't there?

Driving is a lot like freedom.
 Freedom Highway. Pyongyang to DMZ, North Korea, April 2014.

However, it depends where and why you are driving. Normally I enjoy driving, I just don't do it that often. Maybe that is why I enjoy it, when I finally do drive.
Mongolia, June 2014. A nice afternoon trip through the country side in this very robust Russian truck.

Where I live I do not need a car. In fact I really dislike cars here, as there are just too many and the people are so selfish with their cars. The town close by where we live is an actual nightmare at weekends because of visitors coming in from the big city to enjoy the space, the air at the see and the country parks. Normally it is a nice little quite quiet town. Mostly. Then come the week- ends and cars pile up on roads and streets, often to find themselves stuck with the trillions of other selfish car overs that had the same idea. Then they all start hooping at each other when they get really stuck. If this was just a problem for those selfish lazy car people, I could possible overlook it, but it is not. It affects everyone, and make the atmosphere tense and unwelcoming. 

Shiraz, Iran. April 2016.

In that case, driving can be like prison. Other people's driving are a prison to those who don't drive. Even to take the public transport doesn't help as people just find themselves stuck in a bus in a traffic jam that just doesn't move anywhere anymore. This mainly because selfish lazy car people think they will save time by driving in their own car, the two of them, in one car, and the tons of solo drivers just wanting to get as close to the shop as possible and then park in second or third position and completely clog the street and make it impossible for taxi's, busses or even pedestrians to get around. Could be that also lazy selfish car people see driving as freedom?

Memphis Tennessee, USA, July 2012

Normally, I do enjoy driving, it is just that I mainly do it when on holidays (which is probably why I enjoy it) and probably because I normally don't drive in too big cities at rush hour. 
Driving on holiday often means road trips. I love road trips. The freedom of going the direction you want. The ability to change and adapt. To choice to stop at this or that little diner or coffee shop or comido or osteria or Hostineč. All depending which country you are scrolling through. Music on the radio, good music. Beautiful landscapes passing. Destinations out there in the horizon. Unknown, yet, getting closer. What's it going to be like, and where to next. That when driving is a lot like freedom.

Soon I'll be driving again and the driving will be a lot like freedom.

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