Dienstag, 10. Mai 2016

Challenge the challenge


Bloody challenge. Or rather challenges. Not only have I done this one writing challenge upon myself. No, I also have a exercise challenge hanging over my little head. Self inflicted, I know, and self punishment and self blaming when I do not do it.

Honest, I am not the youngest anymore and the metabolism isn't what is was in the 80ties, that is for sure, so to stay more or les fit, I do a reign of exercises every morning.

I hate it.

Well, not after when I'm done and can eat breakfast. Not then. But I hate it nearly from the evening before when I go to bed. I start hating getting up again because of that challenge, that self inflicted pain I've challenged myself to do. I get up and start arguing with my self if I can find an excuse, just today.

Then I read about this guy on Medium, who stated that he'd got more creative by writing and publishing a daily blogpost. I want to get more creative again.

I used to be creative. Back then. Back before I started a professional life and had to be creative professionally, which isn't that bad and I do not mind being creative professionally, it's just that it is professional and then - I fell - it doesn't count really, as it is what I'm paid to do.

No, I wanted to get my free time creativity back, so to my exercise challenge I have added this writing challenge, in the hope of finding back some of previous days creativity.

Funny how challenges can make you find excuses for maybe not doing it anyway. And funny how your mind then call down upon you how weak and back-boneless it thinks that you are by trying to find excuses, and so not to disappoint yourself you do it anyway.

As a child I read a lot of comics. One of the favourites was Tin Tin and Snowy, and I remember how I liked when Snowy had a dialog with his own conscience, the white and black Snowy, sitting on his shoulders arguing if he was to do this or that. It was silly I thought then. Now I know how it is like. Doing the challenge or not?

To cheat with the writing challenge I have even started to look through my hard drive and google drive to see if I discover some already finished pieces of writing, and just post them, just to get out of the process of thinking, finding the idea and start writing. But, as I haven't done that much -which I kind of knew- writing before, it wasn't to much help.

I had something on my previous iPad, but unfortunately that got lost sometime 9 months ago, so there is no way out of it if I have to maintain peace between the White and Black representation of my own conscience, that -like Snowy's- are resting on each of my shoulders, negotiating wether or not I should skip one of the challenges just this once. Bloody challenges. Has it helped so far on my creativity?

My brain is highly creative when trying to find excuses not to do the challenges.  

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