Montag, 30. Mai 2016

Robots an AI.


If you asked me about robots being deployed into the workforce, I'd say sure, get on with it.
With certainty it would save some expenses and take some jobs away from humans.

But I don't think anyone are expecting the next I'm going to say, should you ask me?

Robots can't be greedy. Well, they could if they were programmed to be. Robots can't be selfish. Robots doesn't need a salary. Robots can't make errors, unless they are badly programmed and robots doesn't need a big expensive house, doesn't need a car or two and robots doesn't have any family ties that it will have the need to be thinking about and sustains, and finally robots doesn't need a pension or expensive health care plans.

All this must sound right and prosperous for any boardroom in the corporate world. So let us continue straight ahead and deploy those robots.
As the frame of mind is now, the only way in which people think when talking about robots and AI in the working force is that they are taking away jobs for the working people and make whole communities more or less dependant on social welfare and charity.

No, this is not the way I'm leading you here. We should not deploy Robards in the production force only. This is here we need a mind shift. No, we should put those AI and robots into the managers and the CEO's offices to let them run the business and maximise turnover and profit.

Like I said before, robots cannot be selfish, robots cannot cheat and cannot make the same mistakes a human could or would do when let by emotions or simple greed. And the best thing, robots cannot be corrupt.
Should something go wrong, you just need to reset and re-programme the thing and it should be fine again. No need for a golden handshake worth several million something currency.

Let us do the math.

Think about the salary for the big corporate managers. How many normal workers could be employed and be productive for the same amount one these top executives managers capture just for themselves. It is absolutely mind-blowing and a little worrying.

If we say a normal worker could earn about 36000 $ annually. That would give some tax revenue to the community and the state. If you could employ 10 workers, it will be about 360000 $ and ten times the revenue in taxes. That's about the a average salary of one manager in a mid size corporation.
But there is still some room up to what the big self promoter bosses are paying them selves in salary for the job they do, a job that easily and cheaper could be done by a robot, programmed to run a business and lead a production. For nothing?

You could probably employ about a hundred workers for the same money a part of the largest corporations pay for one top CEO. The thing is, the tax revenue from a top manager would not benefit the community as much as the revenue from 100 workers would.
Not to mention the effect a such mass employment would have on the local society. People would have the means to live a decent life and they would be able to consume and the money circulation could make communities bloom. People would feel satisfied, they would feel happy and cared for and they would have the sense of belonging, they would care for that and protect it.

A top CEO on a huge salary they just care for themselves. Ok, they do pay some tax, however, is this as beneficial for a community as it would be if the wealth was spread out and more people would have money to spend?

Think about some of the big scandals with corrupt CEO's and top managers in the recent years. First they cost millions in salary. The. They are asked but payed out of a lucrative contract with heat another astronomical amount of money. This is all money, millions, that are canalised away from the common good and into the pockets of a very small group of individuals.
Probably a great deal of the money that were taxable, are even again diverted into some awkward schemes and plans and "legal" money laundries. All and alone for the benefit of this very small tripe of "believers". Just look at the recent affair with the Panama papers.

Yes, this is a controversial thought experiment. However, reflect on it and think of what kind of mind shift are needed to make those  sustainable changes that is needed to make our communities function again in a human way.
With the help of robots deployed in the right place.

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