Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2016


The ideal gateway for me could be a couple of places.
What comes first to my mind is Kampot and Rabbit Island in Cambodia.
But let us see how it has changed when we go visiting once more in October, and this time with Mum and Ricky. RIIICKEYY? He might not like it too much as they have no supermarket. Well, not any in UK standard that is. They have a market, a really cramped one.
Anyway, that could be a real getaway. But could I live there?

Not too far away from Kampot -20 something kilometers- there is the only Cambodian island called Rabbit island. That is a real getaway. Even a getaway from the other getaway. The getaway of getaways.
A true exotic island with amazing beaches, palm trees and no cars, no roads, no big hotels. Only some small huts and some restaurants/ bars and a lot of mosquitos. But I couldn't live there, I would get too bored. It's ok for some days.
Last time there we stayed one night. It was so relaxing and I felt a bit sad when we had to go back to the "city", Kampot, the next afternoon. It was a very relaxing place. Even lying down on one of the sun beds at the beach and thinking of reading in my book, seemed to stressful.
Thinking of it now, I can't even remember what we did there for 30 something hours.
Sit, yes. Swim, yes. Eat, yes. The rest is kinda blurred. Oh yeah, there was this older gentleman, like Santa Claus on a diet, with g string pants and there were these phosphorous algae in the water as it got dark, and to see how they just arose from around your limps when bathing in the water.

Cádiz in the south west of Spain. A romantic and beautiful old city on a peninsula of the Spanish coast.
I could live there in one of the narrow streets and go for coffee and tapas everyday. And I might take of drinking a couple of bottles of wine again.

And now, after my Easter adventure also Shiraz in Iran could be one of the getaways, if it wasn't for the horrible traffic, however, that is more or less every where now, except Rabbit island.  

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