Samstag, 7. Mai 2016

Post Challenge 2016

My inquiry teacher icon is a tractor!

We had this PD day workshop about inquiry based learning and to get some inquiry going between us, we were asked to create an icon that for us could signify the real " inquiry teacher".
All of us got a pipe cleaner as remedy to create the icon. After that we should try to go around and and make inquiry among the others to see if we could find similarities and connections.

As I mentioned, I made a tractor as icon for the inquiry based learning teacher. 

Well, simply because a tractor is the tool, the machine or thing that unselfishly, each and every year will prepare the fields for the new season and will sow all the seeds on the fields and are responsible for them, clean them for pests, water them to growth and ultimately, when the crops are suitable, harvest and prepare them for what ever use they are intended for. And then, after that, will start the entire circle all over and over again.

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