Dienstag, 31. Mai 2016
No doubt about that.
Montag, 30. Mai 2016
Robots an AI.
Sonntag, 29. Mai 2016
- put one foot and leg in front of the other in a faster rhythm than walking.
- overcome your own laziness and to be disciplined.
- loose some of the belly fat. Back fat. Butt fat. General fat.
- run away from something threatening.
- to escape an unpleasant situation.
- arrive at the ball before the other guy and kick the round thing into the square thing. 3 - 0.
- craving for it to come to an end so you can take that shower and afterwards have a seat to write those 2000 words du jour, eat chocolate, drink coffee and feel very content and pleased with oneself.
- get up at the crack of dawn to force oneself out onto the street and not to turn back before at least 5 kilometre has been covered.
- for some it has to mean they feel freedom and revitalises body and mind.
- addiction.
- get addictive.
- get from A to B without leaving any carbon footprints.
- be 6 years old again and just feel all that energy.
- defeat comfort.
- build character.
- show strength and perseverance.
- be obsessed.
- enjoy the fresh cool air and see the landscape passing at a slower pace than driving a bike or a car.
- experience the environment 360 degrees.
- catch some prey - if you are a predator.
- survive the day and run away from the predator - if you are prey.
Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2016
The best I learned from my mother?
Dienstag, 24. Mai 2016
20 $
Montag, 23. Mai 2016
Imagine what birds are thinking?
Donnerstag, 19. Mai 2016
There's just too many cars around, isn't there?
However, it depends where and why you are driving. Normally I enjoy driving, I just don't do it that often. Maybe that is why I enjoy it, when I finally do drive.
In that case, driving can be like prison. Other people's driving are a prison to those who don't drive. Even to take the public transport doesn't help as people just find themselves stuck in a bus in a traffic jam that just doesn't move anywhere anymore. This mainly because selfish lazy car people think they will save time by driving in their own car, the two of them, in one car, and the tons of solo drivers just wanting to get as close to the shop as possible and then park in second or third position and completely clog the street and make it impossible for taxi's, busses or even pedestrians to get around. Could be that also lazy selfish car people see driving as freedom?
Memphis Tennessee, USA, July 2012
Normally, I do enjoy driving, it is just that I mainly do it when on holidays (which is probably why I enjoy it) and probably because I normally don't drive in too big cities at rush hour.
Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2016
What comes first to my mind is Kampot and Rabbit Island in Cambodia.
But let us see how it has changed when we go visiting once more in October, and this time with Mum and Ricky. RIIICKEYY? He might not like it too much as they have no supermarket. Well, not any in UK standard that is. They have a market, a really cramped one.
Anyway, that could be a real getaway. But could I live there?
Not too far away from Kampot -20 something kilometers- there is the only Cambodian island called Rabbit island. That is a real getaway. Even a getaway from the other getaway. The getaway of getaways.
A true exotic island with amazing beaches, palm trees and no cars, no roads, no big hotels. Only some small huts and some restaurants/ bars and a lot of mosquitos. But I couldn't live there, I would get too bored. It's ok for some days.
Last time there we stayed one night. It was so relaxing and I felt a bit sad when we had to go back to the "city", Kampot, the next afternoon. It was a very relaxing place. Even lying down on one of the sun beds at the beach and thinking of reading in my book, seemed to stressful.
Thinking of it now, I can't even remember what we did there for 30 something hours.
Sit, yes. Swim, yes. Eat, yes. The rest is kinda blurred. Oh yeah, there was this older gentleman, like Santa Claus on a diet, with g string pants and there were these phosphorous algae in the water as it got dark, and to see how they just arose from around your limps when bathing in the water.
Cádiz in the south west of Spain. A romantic and beautiful old city on a peninsula of the Spanish coast.
I could live there in one of the narrow streets and go for coffee and tapas everyday. And I might take of drinking a couple of bottles of wine again.
And now, after my Easter adventure also Shiraz in Iran could be one of the getaways, if it wasn't for the horrible traffic, however, that is more or less every where now, except Rabbit island.
Mittwoch, 11. Mai 2016
Three things?
Three things I want to try are:
One of them I've already started and that is to say what I'm doing now. Write something every day and publish it to a blog.
However, the blog I'm using now is fairly hidden and not so well -if ever- visited, so what I might try out at one point has to be to publish one of these post on another platform. A kind of established platform. In the best-case scenario on Medium. That musts wait to be when I'm good though. When ever that will be. Maybe when and if one of these posts ever get a view or a like, I'll consider publishing it to our own work portal?
Second thing: I have the desire to try has got to be to drive from east to west or the other way on Cuba. Ideally in one of those retro American 50ties automobiles they still have got, or in an older Russian truck with a cabin attached where we could live for the time crossing the island.
And the third: What wouldn't I give to present at the ISTE tech conference in the United States sometime and also at either learning 2.0 or one of Project Zero's conferences. That I would really like to try.
Just need to find the exact right topic and subject, and then have the guts to pull it of in front of the global TechEd/ EdTech in-crowd!
Dienstag, 10. Mai 2016
Challenge the challenge
Bloody challenge. Or rather challenges. Not only have I done this one writing challenge upon myself. No, I also have a exercise challenge hanging over my little head. Self inflicted, I know, and self punishment and self blaming when I do not do it.
Honest, I am not the youngest anymore and the metabolism isn't what is was in the 80ties, that is for sure, so to stay more or les fit, I do a reign of exercises every morning.
I hate it.
Well, not after when I'm done and can eat breakfast. Not then. But I hate it nearly from the evening before when I go to bed. I start hating getting up again because of that challenge, that self inflicted pain I've challenged myself to do. I get up and start arguing with my self if I can find an excuse, just today.
Then I read about this guy on Medium, who stated that he'd got more creative by writing and publishing a daily blogpost. I want to get more creative again.
I used to be creative. Back then. Back before I started a professional life and had to be creative professionally, which isn't that bad and I do not mind being creative professionally, it's just that it is professional and then - I fell - it doesn't count really, as it is what I'm paid to do.
No, I wanted to get my free time creativity back, so to my exercise challenge I have added this writing challenge, in the hope of finding back some of previous days creativity.
Funny how challenges can make you find excuses for maybe not doing it anyway. And funny how your mind then call down upon you how weak and back-boneless it thinks that you are by trying to find excuses, and so not to disappoint yourself you do it anyway.
As a child I read a lot of comics. One of the favourites was Tin Tin and Snowy, and I remember how I liked when Snowy had a dialog with his own conscience, the white and black Snowy, sitting on his shoulders arguing if he was to do this or that. It was silly I thought then. Now I know how it is like. Doing the challenge or not?
To cheat with the writing challenge I have even started to look through my hard drive and google drive to see if I discover some already finished pieces of writing, and just post them, just to get out of the process of thinking, finding the idea and start writing. But, as I haven't done that much -which I kind of knew- writing before, it wasn't to much help.
I had something on my previous iPad, but unfortunately that got lost sometime 9 months ago, so there is no way out of it if I have to maintain peace between the White and Black representation of my own conscience, that -like Snowy's- are resting on each of my shoulders, negotiating wether or not I should skip one of the challenges just this once. Bloody challenges. Has it helped so far on my creativity?
My brain is highly creative when trying to find excuses not to do the challenges.
Montag, 9. Mai 2016
MayTie & TieZember
Why does men wear ties?
Or why does all men who find them self important, wear ties.?
Or why does people find that men that wear ties are more important?
Normally I do not wear a tie as I consider myself the more casual, lending towards the hippie, kind of type.
That said you might think that I give a damn how I look or what I wear. Not really. In fact the quite opposite. I really like fashion and I do like the look of a tie in combination with a shirt, a suit and whatever and I do like the challenge to put together different professional outfits with a tie.
I just regard it too hard to do every each day of my working life. And I believe that the routine of " you have to wear a tie" spoils the creativity and just makes it kind of everyday invisible as with time it just becomes routine.
Therefore I only wear ties in my professional life for two months of the year. In December and in May. I call these TieZember and MayTie.
Why: I state that it is to raise awareness about male creativity and thinking outside the box.
These two months I have the challenge of trying to put together my wardrobe in different and matching ways. I am not allowed to wear the same tie twice in the same month and I am trying to make new combinations with my wardrobe. It makes my brain work in new and creative ways and is a good start to the day to do that.
So I wear a tie to challenge myself to think creatively and aesthetically/ fashionably. And the response I get those two months is very positive and people are curious as to why, so I get the opportunity to share my issue. Something that wouldn't happen, if I was to wear a tie - or suit- every day, as a uniform.
Maybe this attention makes me feel more important?
And maybe people find me more important as they now know why I do it, because they've asked?