Freitag, 7. April 2017

The Oman files: Silence and red dust.

Finally, I could get out in the sultans Galaxy on my own pace.

I hired my own transport. And got an upgrade. Not really so sure I like it much this time, the upgrade I mean. Normally it's cool to get an upgrade. When it is flight seats or hotel rooms it's normally to the better. When it is car rental? Many would probably jump and celebrate to get a bigger ride. I would rather have the one I'd booked. In this case a smaller SUV, for the off road possibilities in Oman.

The man on the other side of the desk in the boot said he didn't have any in that class, so he gave me a bigger one. It is a HUGE one, and just the sheer thought of filling that tank gave my the creeps. But, there's always a silver lining.

I'm in Oman and in Oman petrol is what they have plenty of and therefore they sell it very cheap, compared to western standards.

I filled up that monster truck with 60 something litres and I paid...?

Are you ready?

For 60 something litres of unleaded super petrol I paid the equivalent to 240ish Hong Kong Dollar or about 30 Euros or 25 British Pounds. I bet many in Europe would be happy about that. It kind of similar to what you pay to get from Edinburgh airport to my mother in laws house and even less than what I have to pay for a taxi from my house to the airport at home in Hong Kong.

So what's the problem that I do not agree with this.

It is too cheap. It is not sustainable and at the end of the day it will have an impact on climate change. What I've seen here in UAE and in Oman, the culture around cars, is devastating for the environment. At the moment it can probably still do, but in a not so distant future, also this place will be congested by cars.

It is like cars has replaced the camels.

At least it is in my head. Where before everything was measured in the number of camels, now it is measured in cars, or the size of them. It is like they cannot walk any distance. The car has to be just right next to where they are. (Sorry about those discriminating remark. It is meant in a kind and jovial manner, like I also can make fun of myself and my own awkward opinions and beliefs.)

And now I have one on my own on loan for 8 days. And do I enjoy the mobility it gives me being here and having the possibility to get around and see stuff.

It does. So see, I am just a hypocrite.

A hypocrite, on my own in the sultans Galaxy who left the commodities in the mother ship and ventured out in the galaxy in my own, rented, pod.

First I followed the common route, like the other pods venturing away from the mothership. Using my google maps on my phone and an old fashioned route map.

At one point a sign gave a hint about a Wadi away from my direction. I was curious and in good time to reach my destination and felt the urge to feel nature, so I indicated to leave the main stream and headed away. Shortly after the main route took a left turn and disappeared over a hill. To the right a little dirt track led in to the country side. I followed the track for a long while and suddenly I found myself in this stunning little Wadi, canyon. I put my ride under - partly under- a tree. And got out.

The heat was hitting like a hammer.  This must be like it would be like to be in a hot pot. My ride was covered in a layer of fine red dust.

Having slightly adjusted to the heat, silence took over.

How often do we in the modern world get overwhelmed by silence? The only thing I could hear was the sound of my own head. And that was too noisy. How can I get my head to stop being so noisy?

Actually it was scary. I didn't know how much noise my own head makes and what that must mean to me & my state of mind.

In my normal life, everything else is so noisy and hectic so I enjoy being left alone in a quiet place to think or create or struggle with my own projects.

To me that feels quiet and relaxing.

Here, this form of normal quiet reflective thinking was just like an annoying noise and I don't think I can really understand what happened.

So I'm going to do it again and possible stay put somewhere for a whole night. Hopefully completely alone. Like the native North American Indians did it to get inspiration and time to think and reflect.

One time before I've done the same in a forest in the south of Denmark.

It was good. It was like this thing when you leave your comfort zone.

That's where the magic starts.

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