Montag, 3. April 2017

Dubai files: Day three. The escape.

Alabama Shakes woke me up at 5:17 AM, blasting their enchanting tune "Hold On. In to my sleeping subconcience. The rough ride out the space station in the dessert was at 7:30 AM.
Estimated walking time from my space station quarter to the dock for the rough ride was 27 minutes at the most, 17 at the least.
Had to make sure to pick up all essential necessities as I wasn't returning to this den, ever again. 
Not because I didn't like it. Not at all, in fact I quite liked it. It was big and nicely designed. The cozy and with one of them extremely comfortable duvets you can find in hotels. Well, in some hotels. Wonder how it is going to be on the next dessert planet away from the "empire".

There was some sparse sign of civilised settling sin the empty space between the empire Dump-bai and the sultans system of Oman. Now and then in the deserted space our ship passed strange life forms on their search for nutrition. 

After some time we had reached the check point at the outer range of Dump-bai imperial space and we docked at the empire controlled checkpoint. Leaving the empire wasn't free. 35 AED out of the pocket and thank your for being allowed to breathe the air, or should I say the exhaustion from way too many way too big cars.

"It ain't over until the fat dog has sniffed".
 A while of no mans space. Cruising at low speed. Just the occasional life forms were in sight while we slowly approached the sultans custom station. As we finally docked to it everyone of us had to leave the shuttle and grab grab the luggage out of the haul to line up for inspection. We were encountered by custom troopers who carefully rummaged around in the suitcases and backpacks. Nothing to do about it, so we might as well have some fun about it. A little chit chat with the not unfriendly troopers.
Thinking it was over and ready to return the luggage into the boot of our transport vessel, we got called back into reality once again.
Our luggage had to be lined up on the ground, one after another and then we were asked to step aside.

From a shed a trooper came walking towards us, in one hand he had a lead and a big black fat dog trotted after him.

The dog was let loose on our luggage and it had a good sniff at it. Nothing seemed to be interesting and after the dog had abandoned our luggage it was let loose inside the haul of our transport vessel.

It was a good show. The dog was big and cute but obviously not interested in anything it was let loos on. Which I guess was a good sign for us and the prospects of getting further into the galactic of the sultan.
Another empty space before yet another checkpoint where we got to stand face to face with the sultans official migration officers.
Having been at visa issuing desks in other countries, I can tell when something is slow.
This was slow. Slow to the point where you ask yourself if those on the other side even can be bothered. Finally I got to face one of them who had sunken so far down in his chair so his hands working the keyboard -slowly - was at the level with his chin.
Many questions about how many days and when I was leaving and my country of birth and a prize for the visa and I left with a stamp and a date in my documents stating I can remain in the sultans Galaxy for the next 30 days.

Unfortunately I am not.

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