Sonntag, 2. April 2017

Dubai files: Day one. Air.

Those 8 something hours went pretty quick. Must have been having a nap. One especially sore muscle in my neck speaks its own language. 

Watch two movies, or rather semi watched one, "Rogue One" the Star Wars story -had a rough time keeping awake- and watched "Arrival" with this Adams lady as a linguist who was drafted by the US military to try to translate communications with aliens who had parked 12 ships across the world in different locations.

The main story was this obvious one we already know too good. Alien ships comes to the earth and what happens next.

However this one wasn't really about the aliens, it was more about how human kind on the earth today can't really understand each other and don't have the patience or decency to corporate or trust each other and give enough time to clearly understand each other's messages. This became the real thrill and conflict in this story.

Another connection or I found with this film as a similarity to Ed Wood's hilarious worsterpiece "Plan 9 From Outer Space". 

And how's that? Well, like in Plan 9, aliens arrive to the earth and try to make contact and help the human race to overcome differences and hostilities towards each other, but we (humans) misinterpret their effort and think we are being attacked and so throws our whole arsenal of weapons of mass destruction against them.

Without spoiling this for anyone who wants to watch the "Arrival"' I'm not going to plant any spoilers. One thing I'm going to say is the film is deeper than some of the other "Alien arrives at the earth" and "War of Worlds" films. Much deeper and the Herero is not a big muscle guy with loads of weapons.

Ground control and story two in short.

Check out "The Pretty Reckless" and "Twin Atlantic" bands.

They were new bands to me from the Cathy playlist.

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