Montag, 6. Juni 2016

This is the future because:

I know this is the future because I am older as I used to be.

No seriously. I mean yes, seriously, I am older and I have lived in the past. But I do not do that anymore. Now, I live in the opposite of the past, and that is the future. 

I know it is the future because:
In the past there were many conflicts and wars and people were suffering and being mistreated and misplaced because they were different and didn't fit in.
I know we are in the future, because we have fought the war to end all wars and from now there is just going to be peace and harmony and all cultures will respects and tolerate each other and live peacefully side by side. Humanity has united us all as mindful human beings, dedicated to solve the problems we have caused to our selves and all other creatures with whom we share our planet.
I know we are in the future because -at least - our soldiers doesn't even need to go fight for real anymore. Our weapons has become so extremely modern and efficient that they can fly, sail or drive all on their own but still find their way directly into the bedroom or toilet of the enemy leader, we do not like.

In the past there were diseases in our rich part of the world we couldn't cure and many people died. But there were many many more diseases in the poor countries we couldn't deal with either, but at least we had some ground to test out some medications to see if they worked or not, and if they did, they were suddenly way to expensive to use in those countries.
I know that we are in the future because all them old viruses or bacterial diseases from the past has been eradicated and instead we have got a bunch of new and unknown futuristic diseases called "lifestyle" diseases to die from. These are not so cheap to get as the old ones, and as the government doesn't mean it is so necessary to spend too much money on health care anymore, it must mean the general health is fine.

The poor countries? In the past there were poor countries and under developed countries and they kept being that way because rich countries were exploiting them and oppressing them for various reasons, mostly something with gold, diamonds and oil. If they stood up against the oppression and made demands, the rich countries used their overwhelming power - military power - to fight the uprising back for then to oppress a bit more. Maybe not directly, but then by putting some kind of puppet government in place that would do just as they were told and payed to do.

I know we are in the future because the gap between rich and poor has... Ehm, I mean in the past there was a gab between the haves and the have nots, and that gap has been... Ehm, how to put it?

Well, I know we are in the future because now there is much less people who own so much more then the rest 99 percent of us all together. In fact that makes it only 1 percent that is so very rich.
That must mean progress.

I know we are in the future because not many are forced to walk for miles to get to school or work anymore. Now we all can have a car and instead of walking for hours, we can now sit in traffic jams, in our cars and relax and enjoy that we finally could afford to get that car so we could uphold  the standard of how it should be to be a future human being. 

I know we are in the future because we do not need spend time collecting and preparing what we have to eat. We don't even need to know what it is we eat. We just to to the supermarket and pick some of the nice - and cheap - coloured packages from the shelves and popping them into this machine, and one minute later comes out a steaming hot dish, that taste exactly the same as the one from yesterday from the green package. 

I know we are in the future because: Everything is just so much better...

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