Dienstag, 25. Oktober 2016

If you put a word after another word, it is called writing.

A long while ago I challenged my self to post one post of writing a day on this blog.

Now it is time to reflect.

I did keep it up for some time. Then came a long an nice summer holiday and I lost it.

Such holiday could have been the time and the quiet comfort to nurture such ambitions. New horizons every day. New inspiration, time and discipline, and purpose.

Purpose. Is the thing. Purpose!

What is the purpose of writing?

Well, to entertain, or?

What about educate?

No matter what, writing needs an audience and I don't think I have one.

So what is the purpose?

Is it just for my self and for my self esteem that I can say that I am disciplined enough to write 5000 characters every day to post to a blog that no one reads, or is it because I think I develop and become a better writer.

Maybe it is both.

But how do u know if I become a better writer when I don't get any feedback?

Maybe I should start to promote my blog with all this writing?

Do I dare. Have I got the - excuse my pardon- bullocks to do that?

Or I should change the subjects of my writing. Now I write obscure nothingness - a nice word I learned four years ago when I visited LA for the first time ever and there visited a museum of contemporary art. I liked it, however, someone had written in a review somewhere something like the gallery was “filled with a load of nothingnes”- a post it here on this blog that no one knows about or have completely forgotten because I stopped using it many many years ago.

At the beginning it was set up for a mediocre however charismatic amateur football team from Dresden Neustadt in Germany. Now I have hacked it for my exoteric writing project, and maybe I have done it because it is a safe place that none of my colleagues knows anything about and can't find because the title isn't in English.

Should anyone find it, it will be a coincident. And whoever should stumble upon it and read it, they won't know me and because they don't know me they might read it, but not care to give feedback.

Should I then change my subjects to something professional and then promote my writing via Twitter and that way maybe be able to guide a couple readers to my writing?

But what if they discover all this crap and then can't take that serious that I want them to take serious?

Ok, then I delete all of this stuff and start all over with new content.

What a shame that will be. Or?  

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