Mittwoch, 14. September 2016

There is only one group called the Beatles!

There are five things anyone should know about.
And finally...Music.

Music comes to all of us very, very early in life.

Let's start with music.

Music selection while reading this, The Sweet, "Ballroom Blitz" & "Teenage Rampage".

As toddlers, I think we are sedated by the sound of some music.
When we grow older, it begins to be songs we can sing along with and music we can boogie down to. Must be that music is something basic inside of us. Something that connects us with happiness and celebration.
Later on in life, music proceeds to dominate the way we feel, live and to times the way we identify our selves. It has an impact on our taste and our aesthetics. This changes as we grow up.

What can I in actual fact remember from my own life with music.
I must think hard to remember my first recollections with music, aside from that being some Danish children's song that I could sing along with my siblings and mother. Which one it was? Big ?
Sure I could start a list with all those songs I can remember from childhood, and probably it would be fun reading for English mother tongue people, because they are all in Danish.
"Bro, bro brille"
"Der bor en bager, i Nørregade"
"Lille Peter Edderkop"
"Tre små kinesere på Højbro plads"
"Knock, knock knocking on heavens door"

OK, which one isn't from my childhood.

There wasn't really any television in my childhoods home. Not only in our house I mean. No, in the whole country there wasn't any tellie before late afternoon or early evening. Radio, yes. But not much for children. As far as I remember.

Then came this word "Beatles". Which is probably the first word I ever could say in English.
How and when it came to me? I must have heard it in some connection when our parents were talking with other adults and somehow I put it into connection with people or musicians with long hair.
At least one thing I remember was that I, without knowing any, called someone like that "a Beatles". Don't ask me where I saw him/ them or how I made it up to be a lot of them. However, then my big brother brought me down on the solid ground of circumstances.
"There is only one group called the Beatles", he said. 

"Klugscheisser", like you would say in German. Something like a "know-it-all". I will let go of the literal translation, if anyone need to know, google it.
Was this in fact the very first time the young me, did use some cognition? 
Anyway, my know-it-all brother took that moment of triumph away with a single sentence. Done for me doing cognition. Only one Beatles! Pfffui.

I believe to have listened to Beatles on the radio, but nothing that I really can remember.
What was my first ever experience with music that I can recall?
In our house we had no gramophone, no tape recorder no nothing to play music on other than a radio. So I couldn't choose what to hear. Probably wouldn't have anyway, coz I think for the most part of the day I was outside playing and digging and catching colds and swallow mosquitos or I was in the stables with the cows and pigs.

Music in childhood? No, not a lot. Well, not until my older brother and sister started school and got some "foreign" influence from the kids who lived across the fields and over the hills in the bigger congregation of houses, called a village. There they got in touch with boys and girls who's parents was things like postman, bakers, farm owners and other more specific stuff.
With that they became exposed to influences from an outside world, which until then had been completely unknown.
Still I guess I was too small to really comprehend what was going on, and because we didn't - still didn't- have anything else than a radio in the house and a television that only got fired up in the evening when us three bean sprouts were put to rest, I still was completely unaware of what in fact this "Beatle" meant.

As I started school myself, we still lived in the smallest of small hamlets. In school, when we had what was the Danish country schools version of a music lesson, we were singing from the psalm book. Nothing with fancy instruments, and the first real music instrument I'd ever seen, I guess, was an old pedal organ in one of my aunties house, and then later the piano in the little village schools hall.
Music I could hear was still the likes of my parents. I think I had started to recognise some of the Danish pop groups or "Dansk toppen" as it was called, the weekly program with the Danish top of the pops. My mother and sister liked to listen to that, and so did I then.

End of part one.

In part two:
"My brother got this fabulous tape recorder, so now we could start to record music and play it when ever we wanted...."

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