Sonntag, 21. August 2016

Business as usual.

They have their kids in the best private schools.

On a night out they go to the best restaurants in clothes from the best and most prestigious designers.
"Good day sir & Madame. The same private table with the view as last time? Certainly sir, may I take your coat Madame? Will you start with Dom Perignon 2004 again, like yesterday sir?"
Cars from the worlds top manufacturers are parked in car parks by servants, and at the closest port, a private yacht is anchored and a full staff is waiting to disembark to a private cruise into the glowing sunset.
They are among the society's high earners, and role models to many who wants to be successful in finances. But then we get to know out their busyness, we get disgusted by them and want our police and justice system to investigate into their business to find evidence to prove they are earning incredible profits on other people's misery. They deal with depravation, devastation and death.

They are drug dealers.

Their kids are admitted into the most prestigious private boarding schools.

When they take their families out, they only frequent Michelin Star restaurants, wearing the highest quality garments from the worlds top designers.
"Good day sir & Madame. Had pleasant day today sir?
Madame, would you like a glass of champagne before settling in? Dom Perignon 2004 again, like yesterday?"
Cars from the worlds top manufacturers are parked along side each other by servants and on weekends they fly to Saint Tropez to enjoy the sun set at the mediterranean sea with the jet set.

When we see them we envy their wealth, the big houses and boats. We Love to look at pictures of the high society in the coloured magazines, their cars, dresses and wish to make as much money as them to be able to mingling with them in high society. They are greeted by police directors and met with handshakes and huge smiles by presidents and politicians all over the world. Some of them are probably politicians themselves. Somewhere. When we get to know their busyness, it makes no different. They too deal with devastation and death, but that is just a business.

They are arms dealers.

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