Mittwoch, 13. August 2014

The centered vision of Wes Anderson.

A nice little film that illustrate the power of Wes Anderson's symmetric image composition.

Donnerstag, 3. Juli 2014

Where is the city?

You are in it, but yet can't really see it. Everywhere construction and cranes and empty concrete shells. Occasionally some huge run down post soviet era building, in the far horizon scattered up the surrounding hills, the makeshift ger districts.

Went for a walk from friends house to see a palace just closed by. That was closed though, so the trip took us to the "down town" area. A long walk along a road, way to small for the amount of traffic trying to get ahead on the road. Seemed a bit dangerous, even compared with China traffic. In some ways UB can resemble the impression of the Klondike, the gold rush that suddenly changed areas of the Wild West. This is just the wild north east.
If you would feel unsafe driving on the road in  a car, being on foot along the road wasn't much more relaxing as sometimes thee was no pavement and if there was, you had to take not to stumble in to one of the many huge holes.

Dienstag, 1. Juli 2014

Capitol of Mongolia; Ulaan Baatar.

This is now at the other end of the journey. Same plane but different location about 3000 kilometres North.
Warm summer weather but not hot and humid like Hong Kong home. More like good old home on Northern Europe.
First trip to some of the hills outside Ulaan Baatar with a view towards what could be "down town UB".

Green hills and fresh air. Looking forward to see some more of this huge wast country.

North East Asia tour 2014

Now waiting at airport. Checking in, a Mongolian official at the desk told us that visa rules changed on the 24th of June, now Danish people do not need visa any more. We got ours on the 18th. Bad timing and wasted 604 HK$.

Anyway, it's all good and we are so looking forward to visiting you and Mongolia.

BTW. Do we need your address for immigration?

Gate 503. 11:13 and boarding starts in about 12 minutes. I love it when I am at a gate and heading to a destination where I've never been. This year it has been happening twice. At Easter to Pyongyang and now to Ulaan Baatar in Mongolia. Both times has also meant boarding new airlines. At Easter it was Koryo Air, now it is MIAT. Great stuff.

Dienstag, 24. Juni 2014

Amazing Hong Kong views

This time of year the sky changes rapidly, from sun to pouring rain by the minute. Makes some nice light and vivid colours and if you get up between the high rises on Hong Kong island you can get some awesome pictures.

Samstag, 21. Juni 2014

Traktor in DPRK.

A couple of weeks ago it is now that I returned from DPRK, however I think the impressions has first now settled and it is time to get some of the stories out.

It is one of the worlds most secretive states and the conditions of peoples lifes there has undoubtfull been the cause of many rumours and speculations. How it really is to live there, I cannot answer. The only thing I can say is that I have been there and seen some of it, and that many of the rumours we are witnessing in the western medias could be true, but also that there is another side of it that we are not getting.

The country is for sure dominated by the devotion to the Kim's. They are ever present. If on photographs, in paintings or as here as statues, these people means everything or nothing to the people of the DPRK, at least that is what they let you think as a visitor.

It is like a religion, and in many ways I feel there could be made a comparison to the way the roman catholic church are devoted to the figure of Jesus or Muslims to Mohammed. Even this is not the subject here. All I'm trying to do is to show some impressions from a country we in the west have decided we do not like and a country we do not want to trade with.

Montag, 16. Juni 2014

Ein Hauch Deutschland in Hong Kong

It is the time of the World Cup, and everywhere you can meet different nationalities in the pubs and bars celebrating their teams. Sunday morning I was in little England to see their opening against Italy, and tonight it is "ein Hauch von Deutschland". Means something like a piece of germany.