Have you ever had someone telling you this? And they look you straight in the eyes and your heart starts pounding. What comes next. A revelation, a rejection? It can be anything really. “What time is it?” You could answer, just to make a conter attack. But, would it help?
Montag, 3. September 2018
Six word story.
Have you ever had someone telling you this? And they look you straight in the eyes and your heart starts pounding. What comes next. A revelation, a rejection? It can be anything really. “What time is it?” You could answer, just to make a conter attack. But, would it help?
Sonntag, 2. September 2018
Thought from a Sunday visit to a huge shopping mall.
Sometimes it’s the best thing to be hardcore honest. In fact, it is always the best to be honest, however, sometimes you just can’t say what you really want.
Montag, 27. August 2018
Freitag, 24. August 2018
Donnerstag, 23. August 2018
I saw this brilliant commercial one morning on the train here in Hong Kong. It was a pencil drawn animation. Kind of this shaky, jumpy style. A young girl on a field and it turned out it was the scene from the “Wizard of Oz” where Dorothy meets the scarecrow.
The scarecrow explains it has only straw and no brain and Alice asks: “But how can you talk if you have no brain?”
The scarecrow replies:
“A big lot of people without a brain talks way too much” is the reply from the scarecrow.
Then the credits came in:
“Keep Learning”
Hong Kong University.
But they should show that one in America I think.
Mittwoch, 22. August 2018
Six word sentences from famous films.
I guess you can always discus wether “it’s” is one word or actually two? Here I choose it to be one otherwise it wouldn’t add up, would it?
Dienstag, 21. August 2018
Montag, 20. August 2018
What could stop a school bus in Yemen? A bad government with an American bomb.
“Guns doesn’t kill people, people do!” or “The only thing to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun!”
We have all heard these statements in the debate about guns or not.
To me, these are the most ridiculous statements imaginable and they just sends out an odour of ignorance and utter stupidity from the people believing in it. Or maybe rather the people who have chosen to believe in it because they are simply and plain brainwashed by a government and a system dependant on manufacturing and selling weapons.
The first one: “Guns doesn’t kill people, people do.” Yes, in it’s essence, this could be said to be true. However, guns are manufactured with this only objective, to kill or to harm someone or something. What else should be the purpose. You cannot stir your coffee or tea with a gun can you. So if we now didn’t have any guns and some people would still kill other people, they would have to do it with their bare hands or with a spoon or an iron or whatever tool they thought was going to do the job. Seen in this light you sure think it suddenly makes it a lot more difficult to go on a killing spree because it would leave the “victims” in a whole better position to go against the perpetrator to pacify him or her. “Hi Joe, what are you doing with that iron in your hand?”
The other statement about the good guy with a gun. Wow. Honestly. How brain dead should anyone be to actually take this statement serious. This is the most stupid argument I’ve heard. Also this is the easiest to dismantle because you just need to make sure that no bad guy could ever get a gun. As simple as that. And a simple thing like that, you could do by stopping selling these weapons and start treating weapon traders and manufacturers and their puppy politicians like the unscrupulous trash and criminals they actually are.
The only thing that could stop a deprived government with an American made bomb is another deprived government with maybe another American made bomb, or Russian, German, British, Chinese, yeah any bomb actually.. Or better yet, more and more of bombs. It is a damned good business and as long it is just that, we will never ever get peace and justice.